Alien Studies

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Borg Collective
The Dominion
The Breen
Species 8472
The Hirogen


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The Borg Collective 

  borgdrone_smll.jpg (3095 bytes)   Drone_fc7.jpg (26891 bytes)


The Dominion (The Founders, The Jem Hadar, and the Vorta)             

 Founder_female1.gif (19794 bytes)      jemhadar2.gif (8087 bytes)      vorta1.jpg (6950 bytes)    


Species 8472

species8472_smll.jpg (3709 bytes)



   The Breen         

Breen_sldr.jpg (24959 bytes)

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Home Borg Collective The Dominion The Breen Species 8472 The Hirogen